Welcome to Substranauts, an artist-focused project that blurs the lines between traditional PFP projects and 1/1 artwork collections.
Every Substranaut, Commander, and Pilot comes with its own 1/1 background, handcrafted by PABLO.
This collection is a timeline of my growth and evolution as an artist, from the early days of simple and abstract pieces to the more detailed and sophisticated ones.
The supply consists of:
Substranauts: 50
Commanders: 150
Pilots: 300
Currently minted...
28/50 MINTED
78/150 MINTED
108/300 MINTED

"Mr. Kusama"/Pablo
Welcome to Substranauts! My name is Mr. Kusama, and I am the artist behind this unique NFT collection.
I come from a traditional background in charcoal painting, but my passion for the Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems led me to transition to digital painting. As I shared my digital artworks with the community, I received tremendous support and encouragement to create my own NFT collection.
And so, Substranauts was born - a collection that embodies my unique vision, blending the raw power of NFTs with the refined elegance of bespoke artwork. Each Substranaut represents not only a unique piece of art, but also a reflection of my growth as an artist.
I am thrilled to share my art with the world and to bring joy and inspiration to those who experience it. With Substranauts, I hope to inspire others to embrace their own creativity and express themselves in new and exciting ways through the NFT space.
Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I invite you to explore the beauty of the unknown with Substranauts.